
Fresh Landscapes would like to extend its deepest condolences to the Cassiniti family, RIP Christopher.
The Lachlan’s Line development will see the first residents moving into the northern end of the North Ryde Station precinct in early 2020. Fresh Landscapes were contracted to complete both landscape and civil components with delivery of 3 internal podiums and public domain areas on Epping Road, Halifax Street and Jervis Circuit. Fresh Landscapes will also install over 4,500 sqm of granite paving throughout the project, with stainless steel tactile and custom-made brass dividing strips.
This package was 80 % concrete and outdoor building works, which include Fresh Landscapes installing structural slabs, finished coloured concrete, custom hobs and kerbs, class 2 concrete walls and a custom water feature with complex gradients.
Mounted on top of the concrete walls are custom curved timber baton bench seats which provide the perfect location for residents to sit and reflect amongst the more than 14,000 plants. If they’re after something a bit more social they can cook up a feast of the BBQ deck under the custom-built pergola and when they’re finished, they can enjoy a movie in the outdoor amphitheatre.
Scope of Works;
- 4500 sqm granite paving, public domain areas
- 2,000sqm concrete binding slab – 600sqm of this slab was a structural suspended structure
- 150-meter curved concrete insitu walls – class 2
- Timber decking on versa jacks
- Two large structural steel pergolas
- Custom curved timber batten wall mounted seat, mounted on top of curved insitu walls
- 450 Lineal meters of kerb and gutter
- 4 concrete pours for custom bespoke water feature, different slopes and colours, intricate and high level of finishes
- Suspended concrete ramps
- Structural concrete stairs
- Soft landscapes and full irrigation system
Concrete hobs and a variety of miscellaneous concrete elements